Job Ready Services – About Us
Job Ready Services specializes in work-related functional testing and conditioning. Visitors to our office are surprised by our industrial, warehouse-type space, filled with plywood, wheelbarrows, shovels, kegs, pipes, etc. This is not your average physical therapy clinic! Based in Raleigh, NC, Job Ready Services serves the Triangle and beyond.
The Job Ready Services Team utilizes the WorkSTEPS model of employment testing and the XRTS FCE (Cross-Reference Testing System®) as both offer the most objective and legally-defensible methods available to our clients to match employee’s abilities to job demands and to offer validated evidence of impairment following injury.
Job Ready Services is one of 50+ WorkSTEPS providers in NC (1,300 providers in the U.S.) and one of four certified XRTS providers in NC offering gold standard best practices.