The XRTS FCE Model
A Functional Capacity Evaluation is a comprehensive test to determine the physical abilities of an individual. Testing includes documentation of consistency of effort as well as recommendations for future work ability based on scientific fact versus subjective opinion.
Most FCE’s offer widely-used testing for consistency of effort, but recent research has shown that many tests are only 70% accurate in determining consistency of effort. Job Ready uses the XRTS (Cross-Reference Testing System) FCE. This model is proven to be up to 99.5% reliable in determining consistency of effort to allow for next step decisions for return to work and case closure.
The XRTS model has proven to be a highly legally defensible as compared to other FCE models. In one Ohio workers’ compensation case, an injured worker was asked to pay his medical and wage reimbursement payments back to the insurance carrier when the XRTS program showed his lack of effort in demonstrating his true physical capabilities. In contrast, individuals who have had further treatment denied and who had objectively given a fully consistent effort throughout testing have proof of the existence of an impairment that requires further intervention or fair compensation.
In a workers’ compensation claim, often an FCE is not ordered by the physician until the patient is at or near MMI (maximum medical improvement). In many cases, this is too late to improve the outcome of return to work. Studies show that the longer someone is out of work, the less likely they are to return.
When Should Someone Be Referred for an FCE?
In short, as soon as medically stable. Here’s why:
- To return the injured worker to transitional (or even full) duty, as early and as safely as possible.
- To identify appropriate rehab and treatment goals to promote return to work safely.
- To identify any roadblocks that would impede patient’s progress and recovery early on such as: medical treatment plateaus, evidence of insincere effort, and/or prolonged absence from work.
- To assist the physician who may be unsure of the patient’s abilities as they relate to the physical demands of their job.
- To provide evidence of valid impairments requiring need for permanent restrictions to assist vocational services.
For more information about the XRTS FCE, contact us: or call our office: 919-256-1400.